• We would like to encourage others to get involved, either as a sponsor or as a supporter of this fundraising dinner.
  • We would like to encourage others to get involved, either as a sponsor or as a supporter of this fundraising dinner.
  • Their dedication to ensuring men and women from Prince Edward Island have the resources and programs they need, exemplifies what it means to be an Atlantic Canadian.
  • We would like to encourage others to get involved, either as a sponsor or as a supporter of this fundraising dinner.
  • Their dedication to ensuring men and women from Prince Edward Island have the resources and programs they need, exemplifies what it means to be an Atlantic Canadian.
  • We would like to encourage others to get involved, either as a sponsor or as a supporter of this fundraising dinner.
  • Their dedication to ensuring men and women from Prince Edward Island have the resources and programs they need, exemplifies what it means to be an Atlantic Canadian.


Join Us and Make a Difference

PEI Tribute Dinner

On Tuesday 5 November 2019, PEI’s corporate and community leaders will come together to show their support for Prince Edward Island’s men and women in uniform, as well as the families that stand behind them. They will honour a cross section of Island military, Veterans and families as invited guests. Join the PEI Friends of True Patriot Love (TPL) Foundation as we pay tribute to those who protect our country.

Like us on Facebook, PEITributeDinner
follow us on Twitter, @PEITribute

The dress code for our 2019 PEI Tribute Dinner is military uniform with medals (optional mess dress), or business suit (optional black tie). Regardless of attire, it is requested that medals be worn. As in 2017, we expect to obtain permission for Veterans to wear former service uniforms.